
Concert at V&A

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Stay Close concert at V&A. It was a great success with standing room only and we received some brilliant feedback from audience members. Below are some photos from the event. Soosan Lolavar and Jamal Samavati Olivia Jageurs and Jamal Samavati Soosan ...

Article in International Arts Manager

An article on Stay Close features in this month's International Arts Manager, a business magazine for the performing arts worldwide. The full article can be read here.  Photo by Erin Jessica ...

Adult workshops at IYDA

"I am a girl of the mountain and moon..." A participant in our adult workshops at IYDA was inspired to write a beautiful poem in Farsi after working with musicians from the Stay Close ensemble. He later set the poem to music and sung his composition at IYDA's annual Yalda celebration. For more information on the adult ...

Introducing the Stay Close Ensemble

Introducing the Stay Close Ensemble

Rehearsals are well under way for the new piece, now entitled Only Sound Remains, with the first performance just weeks away. As such, it seems like a good moment to fully introduce the members of our wonderful ensemble. The final ensemble is listed below and I'm really pleased with the sound world it is eliciting. The ...

Interview with composer Soosan Lolavar

Soosan Lolavar talks about her music taste, inspiration as a composer and what she would be doing if she was not working in ...

Performance dates announced

I can now announce that the confirmed performance dates for Stay Close are: Friday 11th April 2014 @ V&A 8-9.30pm (free) This event will take place in conjunction with the third edition of the prestigious Jameel Prize, an international art prize for contemporary artists and designers inspired by Islamic traditions ...